A bit of his background...
In high school, he was diagnosed with ADHD and dyslexia. He was told that he would never excel academically and was advised to pursue a blue-collar job. Dave decided to prove the experts wrong. He started reading everything he could find on the topic of memory. He mastered all the known memory techniques and invented a few of his own.
On today's show, he talked about three super foods for memory...
- Beets lower blood pressure and increase blood flow to the brain.
- Cashew nuts and butter are a good source of thiamine, a B complex vitamin that boosts brain function.
- Avocados are good sources of Vitamins E, K and folate. Dave likes to substitute crushed avocado for mayonnaise in his tuna sandwich.
I use the millionare memory it improve my memory I used to forget keys my pens even forget to close the door after going out I am psych pateint dgnosed for schizoaffective disorder I know doing in-service training for civil engineering I can remember things I did in S1 2006 ago now I increase in comfidance