Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Hope for Aspiring Writers

 I enjoyed listening to Amanda Hocking on today's Anderson. Her writing journey is an inspiring one for all writers struggling to publish that first book.

Amanda received more than one hundred rejections when she tried to get an agent or publishing house interested in her first novel. But that did not deter her. She continued to write six other books and send them out. In total, she received about one thousand rejections.

She was determined to be a published writer by the age of 26, the same age that Stephen King was first published. So, she decided to self-publish her books. At first, she sold only a couple of copies a day, but soon was selling thousands of books each month. In the past eighteen months, she has sold 1.5 million books.
And St. Martin's, a traditional publishing office, offered her a contract for her trilogy.

Her genre--young adult/paranormal romance.

Words of Wisdom from Amanda Hocking and Anderson Cooper...
  • When no one gives you a break, create your own opportunity.
  • Believe in yourself enough to put yourself out there.

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